There is nothing better than tasting the fruits of your labour! I planted my first official garden this year (last year it was just herbs) and I am currently enjoying a simple yet delicious salad with mesculin lettuce right out of my garden.
Salad Dressing Ingredients
- 1.5 Tbs of lemon juice
- 4 Tbs of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)
- 1/2 Tsp of garlic powder
- 1/4 Tsp of onion powder
- 1/8 Tsp of Keens dry mustard powder
- Salt & pepper to taste
Salad Ingredients
- 1/3 Cup of raw unsalted pistachios
- 1/4 Cup of raw unsalted sunflower seeds
- 1 Head of mesculin lettuce
- In a small mixing bowl combine the salad dressing ingredients, whisk and set aside
- Line a small tray with aluminium foil spread the seeds and nuts on the tray and bake in a toaster oven at 350 for 5 minutes* Keep your eye on the seeds and nuts because they can go from toasted to burnt in a matter of seconds
- Once the nuts and seeds are toasted to your preference set aside until cool
- Wash and spin your lettuce until it is dry
- Pour desired amount of dressing on the lettuce and toss well
- Add cooled toasted nuts and seeds to your salad and toss
- Sit down, put your feet up, relax and enjoy!
Do you have a garden? Any tips for us “green” green thumbs?