President’s Choice Fresh Cut Washed Slaw

                                                                                                        PC Trio 

Thank you President’s Choice for making my life so much easier!  Need some veggies in a hurry? No washing, no chopping, no fuss.  Just open up a bag of PC’s Fresh Cut Washed Slaw, mix with your favourite dressing and “Bob’s your uncle”!

Do you know where that phrase came from?  You do now.

Soy Free Vegenaise

Soy Free Vegenaise


I dare you to compare this Soy Free plant based  mayonnaise by Earth Island to your regular  mayonnaise.  Ok, maybe if you just had the mayo on its own you would notice the difference, but not if it’s on something.

This vegan mayonnaise can be used in any recipe as a substitute for regular mayo.  It is just as thick and creamy as regular mayo and it has a nice tang to it too.

My 2.5 year old loves it and asks for more “sauce”.  He certainly comes by it naturally because his daddy loves his sauces!

Go on, try it.  I double dog dare you!  


Coco Natura Coconut Aminos

Coco Natura Coconut Aminos

If you have gluten or soy restrictions/allergies then this is a great soya sauce substitute.  Coconut aminos can be used as a direct soya sauce substitute; it can be used in marinades, salad dressings, in soup bases, etc.

The brand I use is Coco Natura Coconut Marinade and buy it at Healthy Planet!  Oh and btw, I highly recommend shopping at Healthy Planet because their prices are sooooooo much cheaper than the other health food stores that I frequent in Toronto.

Happy shopping!