Nutty Fruit Cookies

Cookie Monster

After searching high and low for a “healthy” cookie that didn’t contain any gluten or added sugar, I’ve come to realize they are few and far between. And when you do find some, they taste like cardboard or cost you a fortune.  So what’s a mom to do? Put on your fanciest apron and start baking!!!

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Simple Summer Slaw

A delicious vegan coleslaw

Having a hard time getting your kids to eat their vegetables? Not anymore!   This simple and delicious coleslaw will even have Lachanophobians wanting more.

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Tuna Casserole

Tuna Casserole

Being gluten & dairy free certainly makes life A LOT more difficult when it comes to meal time.  If you aren’t prepared or don’t have a lot of time on your hands meal planning can be really stressful.  When you are a busy parent, its hard to find the time to look up new recipes that actually taste good and aren’t complicated and time consuming.  Here’s a fairly quick family friendly meal that kids and parents will love.  You can add any veggies you like.  Next time, I might also add carrots, broccoli, cauliflower and baby spinach and will update the post it it turns out.

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Blueberry Pancakes

 Blueberry Pancakes

My  2 year old son Liam is NUTS for these oat pancakes.  He literally asks me for ‘Pan – Take’s every day. I find it easiest to make the pancakes on a griddle if you have one, that way you can make 6-8 all at once versus smaller batches in a frying pan.  This recipe calls for blueberries but in a pinch raspberries can be a equally yummy substitute!   Oh, and I usually make a double batch so that I have extras in the fridge/freezer for snacks throughout the week too.

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Nature’s BabyLax

Nature's BabyLax

Ever since my son Luke A.K.A. “Dukie” started solids at 6 months he has been constipated and he is 10 months now.  We have literally tried everything (probiotics, giving him water, watering down all his food, straight puréed prunes, rubbing castor oil on his abdomen and lower back, stomach massages, foot massages etc.)  As a last ditch attempt, we tried this mix of fruit and halleluiah it worked!!!

Now whenever Luke goes a day or two without a bowel movement we feed this to him for breakfast, lunch and dinner and it works like a charm (poops every day 1-2 times/day).   If you want to be extra sure this works, we would also give a sippy cup with organic prune juice and water for when he’s über constipated.

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Blueberry Almond Flour Mmmmmmuffins

Blueberry Almond Flour Mmmmmufins

Eating gluten free can be tough!  I’ll admit it, I desperately want to be eating yummy crusty loaves of bread, pies, cakes, beignets, banana bread – the list is pretty much endless.  Anyway, I just really really wanted to enjoy something warm and yummy for breakfast and was craving muffins.  Thanks to my friend Luch for sending me a recipe that inspired me to come up with this version.

I must admit, I was pleasantly surprised with how delicious and moist they were.  Hope you enjoy!

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