Steak Fake

Perfect Portobellos

What first came to mind when you saw this mouthwatering dish?  I bet it wasn’t “Oh, this must be vegan/vegetarian!”  These manly mushrooms will satisfy even the biggest steak-lovers cravings.  The mouthfeel is just like a piece of steak and the marinade puts it over the top.  Trust me, if you want to add a vegan/vegetarian meal to your weekly menu rotation, this is the quickest and tastiest.

One important thing to note in this recipe is to buy organic mushrooms!  Actually every ingredient in all of my recipes are intended to be organic, so, for the best results buy organic.  Yes it is expensive, but can you put a price tag on your health?

I would give anything to go back in time and eat healthier if it meant not getting Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA).  I don’t mean to be preachy, just trust me on this one. Anyway, here’s what had to say about the benefits and cautions of eating mushrooms. (I can just see some of you smirking right now)

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Simple Garden Salad

Our Garden

There is nothing better than tasting the fruits of your labour!  I planted my first official garden this year (last year it was just herbs) and I am currently enjoying a simple yet delicious salad with mesculin lettuce right out of my garden.

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Tuna Casserole

Tuna Casserole

Being gluten & dairy free certainly makes life A LOT more difficult when it comes to meal time.  If you aren’t prepared or don’t have a lot of time on your hands meal planning can be really stressful.  When you are a busy parent, its hard to find the time to look up new recipes that actually taste good and aren’t complicated and time consuming.  Here’s a fairly quick family friendly meal that kids and parents will love.  You can add any veggies you like.  Next time, I might also add carrots, broccoli, cauliflower and baby spinach and will update the post it it turns out.

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A Meal to Warm Your Heart & Soul



For those of you not living in Toronto (the apparent centre of the universe) we are getting hammered with a ton of snow! It is really hard to believe that just yesterday it was a balmy 10 degrees Celsius (for us Canadians that’s t-shirt wearing weather eh!).  This weather is more confusing than the Juan Pablo “After the Final Rose”episode last night!!

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