Blueberry Pancakes

 Blueberry Pancakes

My  2 year old son Liam is NUTS for these oat pancakes.  He literally asks me for ‘Pan – Take’s every day. I find it easiest to make the pancakes on a griddle if you have one, that way you can make 6-8 all at once versus smaller batches in a frying pan.  This recipe calls for blueberries but in a pinch raspberries can be a equally yummy substitute!   Oh, and I usually make a double batch so that I have extras in the fridge/freezer for snacks throughout the week too.

My Aunt Marian sent me this recipe and I made a few small tweaks here and there but the credit goes to her!  Credit must also be given to Liam, my little artiste, who helped me decorate the plate for this photo!



  • 2 Cups of gluten free oat flour – well sifted
  • 2 Tsp  of ground golden flax seeds
  • 1 ½ Tsp of baking powder
  • ¼ Tsp of stevia powder
  • Dash of Himalayan salt
  • Dash of cinnamon
  • Zest of 1 lemon
  • ½ Cup of frozen organic blueberries
  • 1½ Cups of almond milk
  • 1 Organic egg
  • 1 Tbs of vanilla
  • 2 Tbs of coconut oil (liquid state)
  • 1 Tbs of  lemon juice
  • 2 Tbs of agave


  1. In a mixing bowl combine the first 7 ingredients and mix well
  2. Whisk remaining ingredients together and fold into dry ones
  3. Preheat a griddle or skillet to medium-high heat
  4. Add 1 Tsp of cacao butter to cover your pan/griddle
  5. Pour batter using an ice cream scooper with the “metal thingy” that releases the ice cream and cook until on the top side starts to bubble and the pancake is firm enough to flip
  6. Cook until golden on both sides and cooked through
  7. Remove from pan and place in a warmed oven or place in a warming tray
  8. Continue with remaining batter

Blueberry Sauce


  • 1 Cup of thawed or fresh blueberries
  • 2 Tbs of agave or 3 if you like it  a bit sweeter
  • 1 Tbs of lemon juice
  •  Zest of 1 lemon


  1. Place all ingredients in blender and lightly pulse
  2. Taste for sweetness and add more agave if desired
  3. Pour into small bowl and reserve

To serve

Add 2 to 3 pancakes to individual plates and add a Tsp of coconut butter on top. Drizzle blueberry sauce over pancakes and serve immediately.  Add extra sauce or coconut butter as desired.

*This recipe should make approximately 10 medium sized pancakes

What are your favourite family breakfasts? (And yes, breakfast plural is breakfasts. LOL!)