Nature’s BabyLax

Nature's BabyLax

Ever since my son Luke A.K.A. “Dukie” started solids at 6 months he has been constipated and he is 10 months now.  We have literally tried everything (probiotics, giving him water, watering down all his food, straight puréed prunes, rubbing castor oil on his abdomen and lower back, stomach massages, foot massages etc.)  As a last ditch attempt, we tried this mix of fruit and halleluiah it worked!!!

Now whenever Luke goes a day or two without a bowel movement we feed this to him for breakfast, lunch and dinner and it works like a charm (poops every day 1-2 times/day).   If you want to be extra sure this works, we would also give a sippy cup with organic prune juice and water for when he’s über constipated.

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Super Alkalizer


Super Alkalizer

Given today is St. Patrick’s Day, I thought I should get in the spirit and post something green!  If you are looking for a quick, easy and believe it or not, tasty way to help alkalize your blood and reduce inflammation, then look no further.

If you have an autoimmune (AI) disease like I do, its best you avoid all alcohol, because it causes inflammation in your body which increases pain and swelling associated with many AI diseases. For those of you without AI, this drink might just be your saviour tomorrow.

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Blueberry Almond Flour Mmmmmmuffins

Blueberry Almond Flour Mmmmmufins

Eating gluten free can be tough!  I’ll admit it, I desperately want to be eating yummy crusty loaves of bread, pies, cakes, beignets, banana bread – the list is pretty much endless.  Anyway, I just really really wanted to enjoy something warm and yummy for breakfast and was craving muffins.  Thanks to my friend Luch for sending me a recipe that inspired me to come up with this version.

I must admit, I was pleasantly surprised with how delicious and moist they were.  Hope you enjoy!

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A Meal to Warm Your Heart & Soul



For those of you not living in Toronto (the apparent centre of the universe) we are getting hammered with a ton of snow! It is really hard to believe that just yesterday it was a balmy 10 degrees Celsius (for us Canadians that’s t-shirt wearing weather eh!).  This weather is more confusing than the Juan Pablo “After the Final Rose”episode last night!!

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