Nature’s BabyLax

Nature's BabyLax

Ever since my son Luke A.K.A. “Dukie” started solids at 6 months he has been constipated and he is 10 months now.  We have literally tried everything (probiotics, giving him water, watering down all his food, straight puréed prunes, rubbing castor oil on his abdomen and lower back, stomach massages, foot massages etc.)  As a last ditch attempt, we tried this mix of fruit and halleluiah it worked!!!

Now whenever Luke goes a day or two without a bowel movement we feed this to him for breakfast, lunch and dinner and it works like a charm (poops every day 1-2 times/day).   If you want to be extra sure this works, we would also give a sippy cup with organic prune juice and water for when he’s über constipated.


  • 3 Bosc pears, peeled
  • 3-4 Plums, peeled
  • 10-15 Pitted prunes
  • Enough water to generously cover the fruit (approximately 4 cups)


  1. Wash and peel and core your fruit
  2. Cut fruit into large pieces and place in a pot
  3. Cover fruit with water, and bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes
  4. Once cooked remove from heat and let stand until cool
  5. Pour fruit and liquid into a high performance blender like a Vitamix
  6. Blend until smooth
  7. The mixture should be VERY runny like a soup broth
  8. If your mixture is a bit on the thick side add more water and blend
  9. Continue adding more water until you get a watery consistency
  10. ** A modification you can make to this recipe is adding greens.  I steam 4 cups of baby spinach and 6 large kale leaves until soft, pour into a high performance blender until very smooth and liquidy (add more water if necessary).  I then add this to the pear/plum/prune mixture above in a 3:1 ratio 3 parts sweet 1 part green.

*This recipe should make enough for 3 meals a day for 2-3 days depending on how much your baby eats.  I usually keep enough for 2 days fresh in the fridge and freeze the rest in ice cube trays.

Let me know if this worked for your little one.  Do you have any other natural go to remedies for constipation?  Sharing is caring.